Dear Student, We congratulate you on your success at Intermediate Level!
DOST (Degree Online Services, Telangana) welcome you to join in Undergraduate Courses, 2023-24 in Telangana.
The only Gateway to Degree Courses (B.Com./B.Sc etc.) in the State of Telangana is DOST.
Process of Admission
- Verify your Aadhaar number seeded/linked with your mobile number through the link, well in advance.
- Link your mobile number with your Aadhaar number, name, gender and date of birth as per SSC/Intermediate Certificate, well in advance.
- You have to pay online to register on DOST
- One Time Password (OTP) will be sent to your Aadhaar linked mobile number. Once you receive OTP, login for further registration process
- DOST ID will be generated based on your hall ticket and this will be valid and referred to till the process of admission is completed
Essential Documents required for Admissions:
- Aadhaar number
- Mobile Number linked to Aadhaar number
- Colour photograph
- Caste Certificate (with CND number and sub-caste), if applicable
- Income Certificate, on or after 01.04.2023(only for dost-2023)
- Games and Sports Certificate, if applicable
- N.C.C. Certificate, if applicable
- Extra Curricular Certificate, if applicable
- Physically Handicapped Certificate, if applicable
- Ex- service Men Certificates, if applicable these certificates should be kept ready.
Important Suggestions:
- Enter your Aadhaar Number without any mistakes
- Do not lose your mobile number till you complete the Admission Procedure